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Fiscalization service parameters

Fiscalization parameters for Buhta KZ integration

List of type parameter values (fiscalization.positions.type) for the receipt item.

fiscalization.positions.type value Description
used as a default value if not specified or if specified as null
product_storno purchased good, registered in the merchant's balance sheet
product_excise excised product
work performed work
service provided service
gambling_bet gambling bet
gambling_win gambling win payout
lottery_bet lottery ticket
lottery_win lottery win payout
copyright_licence right to use the result of intellectual activity
prepaid prepayment
agent_commission agent fee
settlement composite calculation item
other other calculation item
property_right property right
non_oper non-operating income
non_oper_storno non-operating expense
discount purchasе discount
discount_storno sales discount
insurance insurance premium
reducing other payments and fees
sales_charge sales tax
resort tourist tax
deposit deposit
expense expense
insurance_pension_IP сompulsory pension insurance payments for individual entrepreneurs
insurance_pension сompulsory pension insurance payments
insurance_health_IP сompulsory health insurance payments for individual entrepreneurs
insurance_health сompulsory health insurance payments
insurance_social сompulsory social insurance payments
casino casino payment
agent_payment disbursement
unmarked_excisable excised product without marking code
marked_excisable excised product with marking code
product_unmarked product without marking code
product_marked product with marking code